1909 Sigtuna Stads Hotell, ranked in White Guide Nordic
White Guide Nordic launches with list of 250 top restaurants
WHITE GUIDE NORDIC: The first issue of The White Guide Nordic was launched today in Oslo. More than 100 journalists and restaurateurs took part in the event. The new guide covers the 250 best restaurants in Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Iceland and the Faroe Islands.
The guide includes 86 restaurants in Sweden, 71 in Denmark, 2 in the Faroe Islands, 43 in Norway, 1 in Svalbard, 38 in Finland and 9 in Iceland. The top 30 restaurants will be ranked on the “Top 30 Nordic List” and given extensive reviews. All restaurants are rated and grouped by country, category and location. The White Guide Nordic 2015 edition will be sold through established channels and distributed via partners.
– Today, international interest in Nordic gastronomy is huge and there is growing demand for a quality guide to the restaurant experiences in the Nordics – covering not only the capitals, but also the top restaurants in other major cities and in the countryside, says Mikael Mölstad, editorial manager at White Guide.
1909 Sigtuna Stads Hotel are on the list: Read more>>
Publicerad:2015-01-09 09:30